
Create the Look You Want

With Beverly Hills Liposuction Services

Your Shape, Your Way.

Would you like to get rid of your double chin? Be able to wear sleeveless shirts without worrying about your upper arms? Love handles bother you at the beach? Or is your belly more prominent than you’d like? Liposuction is the answer to these issues and more. This safe, painless procedure can help create the shape you’ve always wanted, by removing extra fatty tissue from your:

  • Face
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Even your breasts (both for women’s breasts and men’s chests)

Liposuction can make virtually any part of your body look slimmer and more toned: a remarkable remake for your face or body.

Liposuction: A Non-Surgical Procedure with Lasting Results

Liposuction is performed under a local anesthetic in Dr. Kayem’s surgical center. During the procedure, the doctor will insert a cannula (a very thin tube) under your skin and suction fat through that tube. Dr. Kayem uses very small cannulas, which provide smoother results, less post-procedure discomfort, and especially tiny entry sites, about the size of a freckle.

You may experience some bruising and swelling after the procedure, but it usually begins to abate after a week. Due to the post-procedure swelling, your new shape won’t be obvious for one to three months, but the eventual effects will be permanent.

Though liposuction is a non-invasive procedure, it should always be conducted by an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Kayem has been performing liposuction procedures for satisfied patients for over 25 years.

Create Your New Shape Today.