Cosmetic Chin Augmentation
Throughout the ages, a strong chin has been considered a sign of physical beauty. This is often depicted in the works of many famous artists. On the other hand, a person with a small or receding chin is sometimes described as having a “weak’ chin. People who don’t have a strong chin often find it a source of distress and concern. Though chin implants are still an option for many people, fillers can now often replace the need for a chin implant, with no downtime, much lower cost, and much lower risk of infection, rejection, implant movement, etc.
If you are a good candidate for a chin implant, then Chin Augmentation, or Mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure that has helped thousands of people improve their appearance by altering the contours of their faces. Chin augmentation, or Mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure that has helped thousands of people improve their appearance by altering the contours of their faces. it is designed to add size to or move forward a receding chin. Chin augmentation can often be done in conjunction with Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) or with liposuction or other cosmetic facial procedures. The best candidate for chin augmentation is the individual with a receding chin and a normal dental bite. In some cases, the use of fillers may be preferred to improve the projection of the chin. These fillers are injected in an office setting, have no downtime, and give immediate benefits. The benefits can last up to 2 years, depending on the filler used, and can be repeated as needed. Dr. Kayem can discuss the pros and cons of these two approaches.
Before Mentoplasty
Prior to surgery, a complete medical history is taken in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. A careful examination of the face is also conducted. The physician describes the type of anesthesia to be used, the procedure, what results might realistically may be expected and possible risks and complications. Photographs may be taken before and after surgery to evaluate the amount of improvement.
Preoperative instructions may include the elimination of certain drugs which contain aspirin in order to minimize the possibility of excess bleeding. Antibiotics may be prescribed for a few days prior to surgery to prevent infection. The areas to be worked on are carefully marked.
The Mentoplasty Procedure
Medication to relax the patient may be administered prior to surgery.There are two basic procedures used in mentoplasty; one involves moving the chin bone forward and the other, the use of a plastic chin implant. To move the bone forward, an incision is made inside the mouth. The surgeon, working through the incision, uses special instruments to cut through the chin bone. The lower portion of the bone is then moved forward and wired to keep it in position. Small sutures are used to close the incision, and external bandages are applied to the area.
A second procedure, a chin implant, may also be used to create a more prominent jaw. In this technique, the incision is either made inside the mouth or externally, under the skin. A plastic prosthesis, sized exactly to fit the patient, is placed in a pocket above the chin bone and beneath the muscles. Sutures are used to close the incision and pressure bandages are applied. The procedure may take from two and a half to three hours or more depending on whether other procedure are done at the same time.
After Mentoplasty Surgery
Pain connected with the surgery is minimal to moderate and is controlled with oral medication. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection. The bandages are usually removed within a week. Patients are up and around the day of surgery; however, strenuous activities must be avoided for some time. The physician determines when normal activities can be resume based on the extent of surgery and the patient’s healing process.
Some temporary swelling and bruising of the face are to be expected. Keeping the head slightly elevated when reclining and applying cold compresses may help reduce swelling. Chewing may be difficult for ten days to two weeks and numbness around the treated area may occur for a period of time. Brushing the teeth is sometimes difficult for several days.
Scars from the incisions fade significantly with time and are, for the most part, inconspicuous because of their location. Complications are rare; however, there are certain inherent risks connected with every surgical procedure, which should be thoroughly discussed with the physician. Patients can minimize complications by carefully following directions given by the physician.